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Conference Materials

CONCURRENT SESSION 6: Combatting WMD Terrorism: Ways to Strengthen International Cooperation

Pankaj SHARMA, Joint Secretary for Disarmament and International Security Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, India

Dr. Pankaj Sharma is currently serving as Joint Secretary and Head of the Disarmament and International Security Affairs Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India. His responsibilities include all current issues of disarmament, nonproliferation and arms control relevance as well as bilateral negotiations on civil nuclear cooperation and strategic trade.

Prior to the current assignment, Dr. Sharma was on deputation to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). He has served abroad in various positions in a number of countries including the Russian Federation, Ukraine, USA, Israel and the Netherlands. While at the Embassy of India in The Hague, he also served as the Alternate Permanent Representative of India to the OPCW. He has also served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in New Delhi in various Divisions, including the Disarmament and International Security Affairs, UN Political and East Europe.

Dr. Sharma joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1991.

Dr. Sharma holds a Ph.D. in Management/Information Technology and a Master of Technology in Management and Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
