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Conference Materials

CONCURRENT SESSION 5: Conference on Establishing a Middle East WMD-Free Zone: What Next?

Shimon STEIN, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS); Fmr. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Germany (2001–2007), Israel

Shimon Stein joined the INSS research staff after a long career in the Foreign Service. He served as Israel's ambassador to Germany (2001-2007). Prior to this appointment he served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as deputy director general for the CIS, as well as Eastern and Central Europe. Ambassador Stein held additional MFA posts in the US, Germany, and Israel, and was a member of Israel’s delegation to multilateral negotiations on arms control.

Ambassador Stein is also an international consultant, working for American, German, and Israeli articles. He publishes articles regularly in the German press on foreign and security issues.
