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Conference Materials

PLENARY SESSION VII: Reducing Tensions on the Korean Peninsula: Possible Steps and the Role of Multilateral Diplomacy

GUO Xiaobing, Director, Research Fellow, Institute of Security and Arms Control, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), China

Guo Xiaobing is a Research Professor and Deputy Director of Institute of Arms Control and Security Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations. His research focuses on arms control, international nonproliferation and export control.

He has made contribution to such publications as Dealing with Nuclear Terrorism: Non-state Actors, Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security, Comparative Studies of International Nuclear Strategies, Forging UK-China Consensus on a Strengthened NPT Regime.

He got his Master's degree from Foreign Affairs College and his Doctor's degree from China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations. He was a visiting scholar at Center for International Trade and Security, University of Georgia. 
