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Conference Materials

PLENARY SESSION III: The Security in Northeast Asia: Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks

TENG Jianqun, Director, Center for Arms Control and International Security Studies, China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China

Dr. Teng Jianqun is Director of the Department for American Studies and a senior research fellow at CIIS. He has worked at CIIS since he was discharged from active military service in September 2004.

Dr. Teng served in the PLA for 25 years, first in the Navy (1979-1992) and later in the Academy of Military Science (1992-2004). He was the editor-in-chief of the Academy of Military Science journal World Military Review and also an assistant research fellow there. Dr. Teng has published several dozens of articles on the issues of arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation, in addition to authoring several reports and books. 

Dr. Teng received his BA from PLA Naval Communication College, his MA from PLA Academy of Military Science and MA from London University. He holds a PhD in international relations from Peking University.
