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Conference Materials

PLENARY SESSION I: Prospects and Challenges of the 2020 NPT Review Cycle

Anton KHLOPKOV, Director, Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS); Chairman, The 2017 Moscow Nonproliferation Conference, Russian Federation

Anton Khlopkov is the founder and Director of the Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS) – one of the main Russian think-tanks focusing on nonproliferation, arms control adnd nuclear energy issues, founded in 2009. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Nuclear Club journal,affiliated with CENESS.

He is also a member of the Advisory Board under the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

From 2000 to 2009 Anton Khlopkov worked for the PIR Center (Center for Policy Studies in Russia) in different capacities, including Deputy Director (2003–2007) and Executive Director (2007–2009). In 2001-2002, he was a Member of the Working Group on Nonproliferation and Export Control of the Partnership for Peace Consortium.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Encyclopedia (2009).
Co-author of the monographs: Iranian nuclear program in the US-Russian relations (2001), At the Nuclear Threshold: The Lessons of North Korea and Iran for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime (2007); Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction Guidebook (2006); Nuclear Nonproliferation in Russian-American Relations: History, Opportunities and Outlook (2000); author of the monograph Iran's Nuclear Program in Russian-American Relations (2001).

Graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI).
