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SECTION 2: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) What Are the Next Steps to Be Made

SLIPCHENKO Victor, Consultant, Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS), Russian Federation

Mr. Victor Slipchenko entered Soviet Union and later Russian Federation diplomatic service in 1968 upon graduation from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Over more than 40 years of diplomatic service, Mr. Slipchenko had acquired vast experience in negotiation and implementation of arms control and disarmament agreements. In particular, Mr. Slipchenko was an active participant in the trilateral negotiations on a comprehensive nuclear test ban in the late 1970s and bilateral talks with the United States on the TTBT Verification Protocol in the 1980s. Through his eleven-year service in the United Nations Secretariat, in particular in the UN Department for Disarmament Affairs, he had acquired experience in arms control administration and management in an international organization. From 2005 to 2009, he had served as expert of the UN Security Council's Committee 1540 on non-proliferation. Mr. Slipchenko retired from his country's foreign service with a diplomatic rank of Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

Mr. Slipchenko had participated in many international seminars and conferences on arms control and security issues and published numerous articles on these subjects both in Russia and abroad. In 2009, he authored a book entitled ‘One Life of a Disarmament Diplomat'.
