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PLENARY SESSION II: Identifying Bottlenecks of 2010 NPT Review Conference

SMITH Mark, Program Director, Defense & Security, Wilton Park, United Kingdom

Dr. Smith focuses on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons nonproliferation, missile defence, arms trade issues, nuclear deterrence, radical Islam, and CBRN terrorism. Dr. Smith was previously Research Fellow, Mountbatten Centre for International Studies and Lecturer in International Security, University of Southampton, and Research Fellow, Swansea University.

His publications include ‘NATO Enlargement During the Cold War: Strategy and System in the Western Alliance' (Palgrave); co-author, ‘Britain, Australia and the Bomb: The Nuclear Tests and Their Aftermath' (Palgrave). Dr. Smith reads Politics at the University of East Anglia (BA Hons), and International Politics at the University of Wales Aberystwyth (MSc Econ Strategic Studies and Ph.D.).
