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PLENARY SESSION I: NPT Forty Years Ago and Now View from Treaty’s Founding Fathers

DUARTE Sergio de Queiroz, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, United Nations, Brazil

Mr. Duarte is a career diplomat and holds the rank of Ambassador in the Brazilian Foreign Service, where he has served for 48 years. Mr. Duarte graduated in law from the Federal Fluminense University in 1958, and in public administration from the Brazilian School of Public Administration in 1957. He attended the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy (Instituto Rio Branco, Rio de Janeiro) for the regular course of two years (1956-1957) before being appointed Third Secretary in the Brazilian Foreign Service. His diplomatic appointments include the Embassies of Brazil in Rome (1961-1963), Buenos Aires (1963-1966) and Washington (1970-1974), in addition to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva (1966-1968), where he was a member of the Brazilian delegation to the 18-nation Disarmament Committee.

In July 2007 United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced the appointment of Sergio Duarte as the High Representative for Disarmament at the Under-Secretary-General level.
