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PLENARY SESSION I: NPT Forty Years Ago and Now View from Treaty’s Founding Fathers

GOLDBLAT Jozef, Resident Senior Fellow, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), Switzerland

Jozef Goldblat holds university degrees in international relations, law, economics and linguistics.  He has been studying the problems of arms control since the late 1950s and has been involved in disarmament negotiations in various capacities, including service for the United Nations. He was active in international commissions responsible for verification of compliance with armistice agreements, has written reports, articles and books. His most recent publications include ‘Arms Control: A Guide to Negotiations and Agreements', ‘The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Régime: Assessment and Prospects', and ‘Nuclear Disarmament: Obstacles to Banishing the Bomb'.

In 2006 he received the GCSP (Geneva Centre for Security Policy) Award for his achievements in the field of international and human security and was granted, by the President of Poland, the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit for his contribution to the cause of international peace. In 2007 the President of the Republic of Italy bestowed upon Jozef Goldblat the title of the Knight of the Order to the Merit of the Italian Republic for the promotion of international peace and security through disarmament, arms reduction and non-proliferation.
