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CONCURRENT SESSION 3: Energy Security and Nuclear-Free Status of the Korean Peninsula: How to Achieve Both Goals

Alexandr VORONTSOV, Head, Section for Korean Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation

Mr. Alexander Vorontsov also serves as vice secretary general for the International Society for Korean Studies (ISKS) and is a professor at the Military Sciences Academy of the Russian Federation, a leading researcher and instructor at the Lomonosov State University, and a visiting professor at the Institute for Asian Studies of Osaka University of Economics and Law in Japan. In the past, he served as the second secretary at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Pyongyang. He was also a visiting professor at the Graduate School of International and Area Studies at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul, Korea) and a visiting fellow at the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies of the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. He is a graduate of the executive course of the Honolulu-based Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies.
