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Maria Eugenia RETTORI

Ms. María Eugenia de los Ángeles Rettori is a Political Affairs Officer at the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) placed within the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT). She supports projects relating to Preventing and Responding to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorist Attacks.

Prior to joining UNOCT, Ms. Rettori worked at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) implementing the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative. She worked both at the strategic and project level, supporting partner countries in the development of CBRN National Action Plans and in the implementation of capacity building projects respectively. To this end, Ms. Rettori worked closely with Member States and international partners such as the United Nations Office for Disarmament (UNODA), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Interpol.