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Expert on Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. Robert Carlin was an analyst in the Central Intelligence Agency for almost two decades before becoming Chief of the Northeast Asia Division in the State Department's intelligence bureau (INR), where he served from 1989–2002. Participated in US-DPRK negotiations from 1992–2001, including the negotiations on the US-DPRK Agreed Framework. After leaving the State Department, Carlin served as Senior Political Adviser to the executive director of the Korean Energy Development Organization (KEDO) from 2002–2006, leading numerous KEDO delegations to North Korea for negotiations on the light water reactor project. Since 2006 Carlin works as a Visiting Scholar of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at the Stanford University. In 2010 having been invited by North Korea he on the Stanford University delegation visited the enrichment facility at Yongbyon. Co-author with Don Oberdorfer updating and revising The Two Koreas; with Siegfried Hecker: North Korea in 2011 (Bulletin of Atomic Scientists); and with Professor John Lewis: Negotiating with North Korea 1992–2007.